Consulta Nota Examen Dgt

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    Consulta Nota Examen DGT

    How to Check Your Driving Exam Results in Spain

    If you’ve recently taken your driving exam in Spain, you can check your results online through the DGT’s (Dirección General de Tráfico) website. The service is called Consulta Nota Examen DGT, and it allows you to view your score, the date of your exam, and the type of permit you took.

    To use Consulta Nota Examen DGT, you’ll need to have your NIF/NIE (número de identificación fiscal/número de identificación de extranjero) and the date of your exam. You can also enter your name and surname, but this is not required.

    Once you have entered your information, click on the Buscar button. If your results are available, they will be displayed on the screen. The results will show your score, the date of your exam, and the type of permit you took.

    If your results are not available, you will see a message that says No se han encontrado resultados. This means that your results have not yet been posted online. You can try again later, or you can contact your local DGT office for more information.

    How to Check Your Results by Phone

    You can also check your driving exam results by phone by calling the DGT’s customer service line at 060. When you call, you will need to provide your NIF/NIE and the date of your exam. The customer service representative will be able to tell you your score and the date of your exam.

    How to Check Your Results in Person

    Finally, you can also check your driving exam results in person at your local DGT office. When you go to the office, you will need to bring your NIF/NIE and the date of your exam. The DGT employee will be able to look up your results and tell you your score.

    I hope this information is helpful!

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